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We are a small museum founded in 1988 by a group of Fowler history enthusiasts.  They acquired the building at 114 Main which was a Post Office, Mercentile and barber shop in 1891.   The store front had many enterpreneurs among the Fowler Cleaners owned by Lee Landis, and presently the Fowler Historical Society and Museum. 


Museum members registered and acquired the museum as a non-profit 501 c3 from the IRS with an ENI# (Employer Identification Number) and Secretery of State  Registration.   The museum is an all volunteer organiztration who receives funds through donors and grants.   Park and Mary Louise Jones were one of many donors that were able to extend and build the Jones library section,  and other portions of the museum. 


The Bob and Doris Johnston Foundation wereone of many donors who gave to the museum dba Friends of the Fowler Cemetery for project All Veterans Memorial.   


We are fortunate to have a museum to document Fowler & surrounding communities history.   

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Funding for these grants has been provided by Colorado Humanities, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), and the NEH Sustaining the Humanities  through the American Rescue Plan (SHARP) iinitative.

 2022 Fowler Historical Society & Museum   Created with                       fowlercomuseum@org         

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