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Doing your family history?

Volunteers are able to help you find your distant relatives through resources at the museum.   With the collections of Fowler Tribunes  in microfilm and in hard copy, databases of obituaries, family histories, Fowler school records, annuals, abstracts, and much more.  The museum also has the annual subscription to My Heritage Edition, which helps many researchers locate their ancestry by the census, immigration and many more records.

Coming from across the ocean or traveling on the trails to Colorado.   We will be able to help you locate your family roots.
Contact us to schedule a meeting or come in to search  records: 719-263-4046
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Funding for these grants has been provided by Colorado Humanities, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), and the NEH Sustaining the Humanities  through the American Rescue Plan (SHARP) iinitative.

 2022 Fowler Historical Society & Museum   Created with                       fowlercomuseum@org         

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